Monday, September 12, 2011

Lesson #2: You can't read case law while watching the US Open Finals

Both yesterday and today, I tried to multi-task. Hoping to get ahead (I actually mean catch-up) on work, I parked in front of my 42in and set up shop.

Computer? Check. Text books? Check. 5 different colors of highlighters? Check. The US Open Mens and Womens finals? Check and Check.

How can you miss them?! Serena is a powerhouse. I mean, her bod is hard. Almost as hard as it was to watch her lose yesterday. And today, my eyes are glued to Djokovic and Nadal and not on my Federal Rules of Civl Procedure. Is it weird that both Djokovic and Nadal are younger than I am? One thing is for sure, if you are good enough to play in the US Open finals, you can get a hot girlfriend.

As it turns out, Djokovic and Nadal don't help me learn about Property Law. Or do they...
Djokovic wins the US Open Finals and is given the first-place cup. If you win, does the cup become your property? What about the title of US Open Champion? Is that your property? What happens in 2012 when the title is transferred? 
I don't know! Gawd! Maybe if I read my casebook...

I've been catching up with all my Boston-based friends. This weekend, I had brunch with Marley. We went to Post, a swanky cafe that served us delicious eggs, biscuits, Bloody Marys, and a complimentary pastry basket! We were talking about her recent work retreat and a particular personality test they took, which happened to be the same activity we did at our Theta retreat in college. It's called the True Colors Personality Test.  This personality test asks a serious of questions to rate your likes and dislikes.  The test will then rate your personality as either a blue, green, orange or gold personality type. Here's the chart describing the colors:

Moral of the story is... I am a gold with flecks of blue. (Marley is green.) This random personality test made me realize why I'm currently struggling with adapting to law school. I'm doing OK with the materials and the amount of work, but I'm continuously stressing about the lack of planning, structure, and consistency in  instruction, assignment posting, work expectations, and online resources. I spend more time trying to find my assignments online than actually reading them. I spend more time trying to develop a system for success rather than implementing one. I spend more time doing the wrong assignment than it would have taken me to do the right assignment. And then there's the time I spend complaining about it all!

My gold with flecks of blue reminded me that I have particular tendencies and they may lead to unnecessary stress. But, let's be real... not knowing where stuff is in Cyberworld is pretty stressful. And not knowing how best to go about this whole "student thing" can be overwhelming. So... any tips are appreciated! What helps you get organized and get focused on the stuff that really matters?

You know what really matters right now? That Monday Night Football thinks its OK to push the Season Finale of the Bachelor Pad back to 1 am. Should I sue?


  1. A little bit of breathing in between stressors
    might help!! A cup of cammomile tea every night before bed. Avoid TV shows that heighten your blood pressure.

  2. I tend to just drink the stress away. For you, a half a shot of tequila should do the trick. Don't be to do a double half shot (a shot, to normal humans). P.S. You still owe me birthday shots from 2 months ago. Fail more.

    WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may lead to impaired ability to do work, but will inevitably lead to more dance-offs.

  3. Wow, haven't worked on my script in a long time. Hope this is legible. That said, jealous you got to hang out with Marley, but I think I see some green stripes in you. You definitely enjoy working. And try to relax. You should probably hang out with your local ORANGE friends. i think you know who we are.

    keep reading,
    Stay off the milk Amy, you're not in the wild anymore.

  4. 1. I went to Wright. Cursive is hard.
    2. I appreciate that you've written two blog posts without mentioning or taking any photos of bugs.
    3. I'm a green.

  5. I'm probably green... do you have a link to the quiz?
