Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First Day of School Photo Shoot

Ok, so Rani took these with her iPhone so the quality isn't fantastic, but I was SUPER excited to go to school and carry my enormous books.

I think I need a haircut.

More pics to come, since I'm also experimenting with photography and have a pretty sweet camera.


  1. i cant even come up with something clever to say in response to this lame post. you are lame. though compared to the last post, at least it only took me a matter of seconds to finish reading the entirety of this lame post. LAME. nice try Rani. You can only do so much to make the pictures not cause eye damage.

    ...ouch, what a harsh comment. i hope my rap yoga anthem makes up for the evil words....

  2. OH OH. "don't blame the camera's quality." there we go. witty comment? check.

  3. Amy is ready to show them what she's got to offer
