Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lesson #8: What every law student needs.

I'm only a month into law school and there are already things I can't live without:

Tabs. I tab everything. They look cool and are really helpful.

Highlighters. Lots of them. Lots of colors.

Notecards. I use them as flash cards for Civil Procedure.

Snacks. Chewy delicious snacks.

Anything to make my day brighter. Like flowers I bought for myself.

Zen. And inspiration for zen.

Lots of sleep.

A sister with attitude.

A little floor space to sprawl, kick, and scream.

As some of you know, this was a really difficult weekend for me. But despite that, I'm starting this week fresh. All smiles, positivity, productivity, and optimism. Yay for being strong! Yay for being me!


  1. those are not reese's pieces. silly amy.

  2. well that picture makes your sister look like she can be a feature in a TLC special called: the Half Ton Sister....

  3. Yayy...I love all these pics...and could really use that froggy on my desk at work right now!
