Sunday, October 9, 2011

Flashback and blackout to Belgian Beer Fest

A few weekends ago, Tom and I had a stellar adventure - our first adventure without Rani. I know he'll agree that we had a lot of fun, at least the part that he remembers...

Tom and I signed up to go to Belgian Beer Fest. This was my first Beer Fest ever and I had no idea what to expect when we approached the line.

Tom is a veteran at Beer Fests so he brought all the necessary tools for success: Strategy, a pretzel necklace, and his game face.

We were off, but not before we planned our route around the 50+ tables with 200+ choices of beer! We got our program and headed to our favorites first.

Tom and I made a deal. For ever one sample I tried, Tom was to try two.

I had about 20 samples...

and Tom had about 40.


 And we were drunk. You'll have to take my word for it because Tom doesn't really remember.


  1. the birthday card I sent Tom was appropriate. I am not sure who looks more wasted

  2. that is hands down an amy drunk face at the end. good work hahahah
