Monday, October 10, 2011

Lesson #10: Enjoy your days off

Unexpected sunny days are the best, especially when you get to play tourist with the other hundred-thousand people walking around Boston on Columbus Day.  But only I had the best tour-guides in the world...

We started out through the Common and onto the Freedom Trail. First stop - graveyard where Sam Adams is buried.  

I don't claim photography excellence but because of the community college class I took this summer, I was delighted to impart what tips I knew to my very intense tour guides.

We walked by City Hall...

Frolicked in the alleys...

I gave Tom my camera and he captured some cool buildings with awesome shadows.

This is when it gets fun. We elbowed through tourists and children to navigate Fannuill Hall and Quincy Market. We landed in the North End where we had an authentic Italian lunch and waited in line for 25 minutes to try the area's famous Canollis.

1. Whipped cream in a chocolate dipped shell with chocolate chips and powdered sugar.
2. Chocolate custard in a regular shell and powdered sugar.

Cue eating montage.

After eating two cannolis, we sought the advice of this sage before we started our walk home.

Don't mind the red light and hand.

I had the best tour guides ever...

And successfully managed to procrastinate during this beautiful afternoon! No regrets!


  1. ...that looks so good. send me one?

  2. HOLY TOLEDO! How did I miss the switch from AmyvsLaw to LegallyEducated!? LOVE!

  3. Rani needs to be a ducky tour guide. she could come up with a great costume. Tom, I am not sure about you yet, you have not been in Boston long enough, but yes, you know the area. And Amy you have located the best vegan resturants in the area. Am looking forward to my first class tour
